Links to Parents Preschool Blog

Links to Learning

How We’re Keeping Our School Safe

The health and safety of our children and families is always our highest priority. That is why we have been working diligently to continue creating a safe and fun learning environment for our students. A recent study by Yale University confirmed that childcare centers practicing safety protocols do not pose…
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Fun Fall Scavenger Hunt for Preschoolers

Fall is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your family. From colorful leaves to seasonal decor, there is so much to see and explore. Our fall scavenger hunt is a free printable that you can download and print at home. We’ve included pictures and words, so preschoolers of all…
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Helpful Tips to Encourage Handwashing

Handwashing is an easy way to prevent the spread of germs and keep your family healthy. We teach the importance of handwashing and practice throughout the day at school, but we encourage you to continue this healthy habit at home. Remind your child to wash his hands throughout the day,…
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5 Children’s Books to Continue the Discussion About Diversity

Your family has likely already begun the conversation about diversity and inclusion. It’s important now more than ever to continue that discussion and further expand your child’s awareness and appreciation for people of all cultures. Below are some books to read with your child that are diverse and representative of…
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